Institute of Law and Economics
University of the National Education Commission

About the Institute
The Institute of Law and Economics (IPE) operates at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pedagogical University of Krakow. It was transformed from the Institute of Law, Administration and Economics (IPAIE) on October 1, 2020. Previously, IPAE was created as part of organizational transformations (it emerged from the former Institute of Political Science operating within the Faculty of Humanities). From that moment until September 30, 2019, it functioned as part of the then Faculty of Political Science. On October 1, 2019, the new Statute of the Pedagogical University entered into force, which re-shaped the structure of the University. In the new structure, IPAE was one of the research and teaching units operating within the Faculty of Social Sciences.
From the very beginning of the Institute's operation, measures were taken to create the most optimal conditions for its scientific and teaching activities, as well as for its current organizational activities. They affect not only the quality of operation of this unit, but also the image of the entire University. These include not only activities improving the current functioning of the Institute, but also projects that strengthen the prestige of the Pedagogical University of National Education Commission in Krakow, reception of this University by current and future students, national and foreign scientific bodies, or representatives of external stakeholders.